A Week at WCC
An overview of what a week at Westway Community Church generally looks like.
08h30 - Prayer Meeting
This time is open to all, feel free to join us.
09h00 - Morning Service
As a family church, we look for many opportunities for all ages to worship together and to be catered for.
09h00 - Kids Church
Kids Church runs during the main service after our time of family worship, where our team of voulenteers do church in a kid friendly way.
17h00 - Reel Life
This is a time where young adults come together to do life with one another. The group is open to all young adults.
The Church office is closed
07h30 - Prayer Meeting
This time is open to all, feel free to come and join us. We finish at 08h30 however you are free to go whenever you need to.
09h00 - Staff Meeting
Our staff get together to discuss how the last week of ministry was and is a time to strategically plan for the week ahead as well as any upcoming events.
Evenings - Leadership Meeting
Our different leadership teams get together once a month in the evening to plan, strategies and cast vision for the church.
10h00 - Ladies Life Group
This time is open to all ladies, feel free to come and join us here at the church as we do life together.
18h00 - Worship Practice
This is a time that our worship team get together to practice for the Service on a Sunday. This time is open to all who would like to be part of our worship ministry.
06h00- Mens Bible Study
This is a time open to all men, feel free to come and join us as we study God's word together.
11h00 - Salem Assembly
Our Pre-School comes across to the church to spend some time with our Children's Pastor for a time of Spiritual Input and kids praise and worship.
18h30 - True North Youth
This is a time open to all High School youths where the Youth Pastor and his team buld in to the lifes of their lives.
The Church office is closed