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Our Values

Our Biblical Foundations:
All our Church life operates from a biblical base. We believe in the inerrancy and authority of the Scriptures in their original form. We believe that all Scripture is God-breathed, useful for showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way.


Loving Family Relationships
We believe all people are important because they are important to God and created in His image. We believe our love for God will be demonstrated in our love for people. We believe this encompasses all ages, all races and all cultures. We believe in the inherent value of all people, and celebrate and honour God’s creativity, demonstrated in the diverseness of His creation.


We believe that life change happens best in small groups or cells and  we believe in the authentic relationships developed in Cells. We believe these groups emulate the early churches in Acts, and are simply the most effective vehicle for personal evangelism and discipleship.


Prayer is a central focus of our cells, ministries, celebrations and communities.


Evangelism & Missions
We believe that all people matter to God, and therefore, ought to matter to the church. We believe that authentic relationships can provide the opportunity for any Christ--follower to lead another to Christ. We want our primary focus to be people, not programmes. We will focus on taking the light to all people and all nations,.


Commitment to Excellence
We believe that excellence honours God and inspires people.  We ensure that all that we do , we do to the best of our abilities.


The Ministry of the Holy Spirit:
We actively encourage the ministry of the Holy Spirit in whichever way He chooses to work  within out lives, within our cells and wherever the body that is Westway Bethel, meets.


Empowering of our People
We believe in identifying, encouraging, and growing leaders. As their continuous development  is essential for healthy growth. Our servant leaders strive to empower, equip, think strategically and be intentional.


Contemporary Practice
We believe that the church should be culturally relevant while remaining true to Scripture. We will actively strive to be geared to the times and the communities in which we live through our services, printed materials, teaching, and use of the arts.


Creative Worship of God
Our worship is focused on encouraging  the participation of all in the worship of our Creator God


Commitment and Accountability
We believe that becoming an extraordinary follower of Christ should be normal for every Christ-follower but requires deep spiritual commitment. Our desire is to be accountable to God and to one another in striving to be wise stewards of His gifts.


Structural and Operational Flexibility
We believe in reaching people where they are. We believe in building and equipping effective cells. Wherever possible, we support cell-based ministry rather than a ministry of one. We believe the natural consequence of the great commission is church growth. Our vision statement and strategic planning anticipate growth, and we are intentional about reaching out to the lost in our communities.


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